Saturday, May 3, 2008

Just thinking...

With all the strep last week we had a lot of home playtime... these are a few updated pics of that. Andrew is so into "balls" and Bella her babies. This is "Emily" and she happens to be the CHEAPEST doll we own. When Bella was sick last year we were in Walgreens waiting for her antibiotics and we got her a treat...Emily. She loves this doll! The doll is falling apart and loosing stuffing, but bless Bella's heart she can't part with this doll. So forget American Girl dolls... we love the stuffed Emily.
Cooper and I love music. I would listen to the same thing all the time but he is good to keep me updated on what's new. The CD I am wearing out right now is Chris Rice- Peace Like a River: The Hymns Project. It is incredible! It is all the good old hymns updated a bit, but wonderful.
So as I was baking cookies tonight I was thinking about "How Great Thou Art". I have to say that the hardest thing that I have ever done is what my current role is now: MOM. I am a bit shocked at how hard physically, emotionally, and mentally draining it has been. But then I think of how great Thou art... His power throughout the universe... and He was the one that gave me my two kids. WOW! What an incredible responsibility. My job is to raise two children in the ways of the Lord. And then I am overwhelmed by the verse that God did not even spare HIS own Son to save me from who I am at the core... could I even imagine that??? No way... I was at the redneck circus last night and held Bella so close in fear that something would happen to her, yet God allowed His only Son to die for me. If nothing else brings you to your knees that should!!!
All this to say, whatever your lot right now God is there, smack dab in the middle. My challenge is raising Godly children, being a Godly mother/wife, and getting on my knees daily in order for that to happen.


Garrett said...

amen sister! love you,garrett

tillisfam5 said...

i second that! love ya, michelle

tami stanford said...

What amazing truth!! I miss you so much.
Love ya,Tami